Hej! Mit navn er Daniel, og jeg er produktchef hos JobTestPrep Danmark. Hvis du har spørgsmål til vores øvelser, er du velkommen til at kontakte mig.
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24 timers
Testen består af tre sektioner:
Verbal sektion – 24 spørgsmål
Numerisk sektion – 16 spørgsmål
Abstrakt afsnit – 10 spørgsmål
Du har fire minutter til at gennemføre hvert afsnit. Der er en introduktionsside i begyndelsen af hvert afsnit; Denne side giver dig besked om, at du er ved at starte det næste afsnit, og timeren starter, når du forlader siden.
Baseret på udsagnet. Hvilket af de fire valgmuligheder er korrekt
Noget slikket er salted. Intet slikket er a karamel. Hvis de to udsagn er sande, hvad er så den mest logiske konklusion?
The correct answer is (D).
(A) is incorrect because no information is provided about whether any of the candy is chocolate.
(B) is incorrect because this is the same as stating that “None of the candy is salty,” and some of the candy is salty.
(C) is incorrect because no information is provided about whether any of the candy is crunchy.
Therefore, the correct answer is (D).
Baseret på udsagnet. Hvilket af de fem valgmuligheder er korrekt
Amy og Ashley cykler langs den samme sti. Amy cykler hele stien med en hastighed på 20 mph, og Ashley cykler den med en hastighed på 15 mph. Hvis Amy er færdig med at cykle hele stien 8 minutter før Ashley, hvor mange kilometer lang er cykelstien?
The correct answer is (D).
According to the question, Amy’s speed is 20 mph and Ashley’s speed is 15 mph.
If Amy finishes the trail 8 minutes before Ashley, and we let t represent the amount of time it takes Amy to finish the trail, then Ashley will take t + 8 minutes to finish it.
However, since the speeds are all in miles per hour, we must convert the 8 minutes into 8/60 = 2/15 hours.
Therefore, Ashley’s actual time is (t + 2/15).
Since the distance they both bike is the same, we can now formulate the following equation comparing their times:
20t = 15(t + 2/15)
20t = 15t + 2
5t = 2
t = 2⁄5
We are asked to find the trail’s length, i.e. the distance they both passed. Plugging the value for t back into the distance Amy has passed, we arrive at: 20 x 2⁄5 = 40⁄5 = 8 miles.
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Hvilken blok fuldender følgende rækkefølge:
The correct answer is (3).
There are two series, alternating between the frames: the first comprises vertical lines, the number of which decrease by one in each step. The second comprises horizontal lines, the number of which increases by one in each step.
According to this, the missing frame should have four horizontal lines.
Notice you can easily eliminate answers (1), (4), and (5) right off the bat based on the direction of the lines alone.
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